Results for "P"

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  Title Copies
People raising: a practical guide to raising support 
Year: 2012 
Paradigms in conflict: 10 key questions in Christian missions today 
Year: 2005 
Parents of Missionaries: how to thrive and stay connected when your children and grandchildren serve cross culturally 
Year: 2008 
Prepare For Battle: basic training in spiritual warfare 
Year: 1999 
Peoples of the Buddhist World: a Christian prayer guide 
Year: 2004 
Planting Churches Cross-Culturally: a guide for home and foreign missions 
Year: 1986 
Polite fictions: why Japanese and Americans seem rude to each other 
Year: 1982 
Personal encouragement and growth for every missionary: a practical approach to Biblical caring and counselling 
Year: 1990 
Poles apart? Contextualizing the gospel 
Year: 1993 
Praying together: equipping small groups to grow their prayer potential 
Year: 2004