Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
Tinker, Tailor Missionary: Options in a changing world 
Year: 1992 
The Millions 1959-60 (New Series) UK 
Year: 1956 
To all nations from all nations: a history of the Christian missionary movement 
Year: 2013 
Thinking again about China: God's work and some current missiological issues 
Year: 2001 
The Indonesian language: its history and role in modern society 
Year: 2003 
The Coming Chinese Church: how rising faith in China is spilling over its boundaries 
Year: 2013 
Third Culture Kids: Growing up among worlds 
Year: 2009 
Training missionaries: principles and possibilties  
Year: 2016 
Taiwan: CultureShock! A survival guide to customs and etiquette 
Year: 2008 
Thailand: CultureShock! A survival guide to customs and etiquette 
Year: 2012