Hope for Tomorrow: A Prayer Guide for North Korea

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Though isolated from the rest of the world in many ways, North Korea continues to make headlines. Kim Jong-Il, the “Great Leader,” died in December 2011; his young son Kim Jong-Un has succeeded him as the next ruler. April 15, 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of Kim Il-Sung’s birth. North Korea wanted to be a strong and prosperous nation by that date, and though the military is strong, common people are hungry. The six-way diplomatic talks about North Korea’s nuclear program are stalled. The North Korean people need hope for tomorrow.God loves North Korea deeply, yet few know of his character as taught in the scriptures, his love and holiness or of Jesus’ death on the cross. The church is present, but very quiet. The Lord wants to give the people hope for tomorrow and today.Will you intercede for North Korea? Things are changing in “Chosun.” Please pray through this guide to learn about the country and its people. Ask God to give you his heart for this nation. Jesus Christ is the source of hope, and he wants to offer his hope to them. We can be part of that as we pray to God for the people of North Korea. Pray with us for God’s will to be done in that land for his glory and their good. - from Amzon 
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