New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Re-entry Team: caring for your returning missionaries 
Year: 2000 
Spirit of China: roots of faith in 21st century China 
Year: 2008 
A task unfinished: how to recruit, support and pray for missionaries in a constantly changing world 
Year: 1996 
Gospel in the land of a million elephants: a century of Christian mission in Laos 
Year: 2013 
What Makes Aussie Kids Tick?: A practical resource book about Australian families living overseas 
Year: 1989 
Witnessing to Western Muslims: a worldview approach to sharing faith 
Year: 2011 
Your church can make a world of difference 
Year: 2005 
Cross cultural church planting for probies: envisioning and facilitating holistic church planting among unreached people groups from preparation to closure 
Year: 2014 
Liberating Gospel In China: the Christian faith among China's minority peoples 
Year: 1995 
God is Red: the secret story of how Christianity survived and flourished in communist China 
Year: 2011